
February 10, 2018

Romance at Home? Here’s How to have a Romantic Date at Home

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. This means that couples are already planning on how to have a romantic night with their partner. This also means that couples are about to spend A LOT of money and be stuck in traffic. That’s the good and the bad when it comes to Valentine’s Day.

Fortunately, it can be all good minus the bad on February 14. You can save a lot of money, save yourself from stress and still have one of the best nights of your life at home.

Romantic Ideas for a Date Night at Home

These ideas will surely make your partner go, “awwww”:

  • Netflix and chill.
Netflix and chill

Ready for you and your partner.

Click here for more pictures of the condominium in the picture.

“Netflix and chill” has a negative connotation. When someone asks you if you want to Netflix and chill, it usually means a hook-up. Well, it’s time to give it a romantic connotation!

There are a lot of romantic movies that you can play all night long. Here are some of the most popular ones on Netflix:

  • Crazy Stupid Love
  • How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
  • Breakfast at Tiffany’s
  • Maid in Manhattan
  • The Notebook

So pop some popcorn in the microwave or make it more special with a cheese and cold cuts platter to go with your favorite wine. Take out your most comfortable blanket and go cuddle!

  • Have a romantic dinner at home.

When was the last time that you had a romantic dinner at home? You can even cook or bake together! Don’t be shy and go play with the food while you’re cooking or baking! It’s a good way to inject some young love vibes back into your relationship!

romantic dinner

Remove the laptop from the table, set it using your best China, and have a romantic dinner at home!

Click here for more pictures of the home in the picture.

Put the kids to sleep early and set up a candlelight dinner. If you don’t feel like cooking, just order out. Just make sure to use the good China! You can take it one step further by dining out under the blanket of stars.

The important thing is that you talk. Have a meaningful conversation.

  • Have a picnic in your backyard.
backyard picnic

Enjoy a picnic right in your backyard!

Photo by Melissa from Pexels

If dinner is out of the question, then just have a picnic in the afternoon in your backyard! Make sandwiches. Bring chips. Bring a bottle of good wine. This is the perfect date when the weather is great outside. Before you know it, it’s already night time and you’re still having an amazing time!

  • Relive memories.
old pictures

Look at old pictures!

Photo by Kaboompics // Karolina from Pexels

We live in a fast world. Unfortunately, this means that we tend to forget the past. Take this chance to relive memories. Watch your wedding video. Look at old photo albums. Laugh at your corny choice of clothing a decade ago.

  • Dance.

Remember the days when couples dance together? Good times. Nowadays, couples just don’t do that anymore. Very few things can match the romance offered by romantic dancing. So go ahead and play your theme songs, hug each other, and just…dance.

  • Make plans.

Planning a vacation is fun. Planning a romantic vacation is fun and romantic. With romance in the air, planning for a romantic vacation is a dreamy way to spend the day.

  • Set a spa date at home.

Run a romantic bath. Massage your significant other. No one will say no to a massage.

There are a lot of other things that you can do. The important thing is you do these things together. Oh, and put the phones on silent! These will only work if there are no distractions!

Make Your Home More Romantic

It’s easier to have a romantic time at home if your home has the ambiance for it. Here are some tips that you can apply to have a more romantic home:

  • Clean and organize your home.
organized home

A clean and organized home is a romantic home.

Click here for more pictures of the home in the picture.

This is pretty self-explanatory. There’s nothing romantic about a dirty and cluttered home.

  • Display pictures.

Put a lot of thought into displaying your pictures. Place them in strategic areas of your home. Make sure to add pictures of your most romantic vacation!

  • Personalize your home.

In addition to pictures, you can also inject personality into your home by adding romantic mementos and sentimental gifts. A good interior designer should be able to incorporate them.

  • Go for lighting that sets the mood.
romantic candles

Light up some candles!

Photo by Kaboompics // Karolina from Pexels

Lamps can help set the mood. Candles, especially the scented ones, will surely make your hearts flutter.

  • Make your home smell good.

Light some scented oils! Turn the diffuser on. You can use neroli, rose, sandalwood and patchouli oils as they’re considered as aphrodisiac oils.

  • Choose romantic colors for your home.

Red is of course a given. Some other romantic colors to consider are pink, orange, peach and yellow. Ask a good interior designer for tips on how to match the colors.

Remember, romance should be experienced all year round. But on February 14, make sure to be more romantic! Have fun!

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