Things that Make Your House a Filipino Home this Christmas Season

Hello, December! For most Filipinos, we’re all thinking the same thing – it’s Christmas in a few weeks!
Just like you, we here at G Cube Design and Build are very excited for Christmas. Being in the design and build industry, we feel that it’s going to be fun to list down the things that make your house a Filipino home this Christmas season.
Here we go! Make sure to share if you can relate!
I. The Christmas Tree is Up
A Christmas in a Filipino home won’t be complete without a Christmas tree rightfully taking up precious space in your living room. In fact for a lot of Filipinos, it’s been up since September or October!
Underneath the tree are tons of gifts. With Filipinos maintaining close family ties with their extended families, there’s a gift for everyone!
II. There’s Extended Family Staying in
Tito Bhoy and Tita Bhaby flew home from the states to spend Christmas with their family here. Your nephews and nieces are staying for a week to take advantage of the Christmas break and spend some fun time with their cousins. Your house is basically one huge party each and every day!
Your extended family will get bigger and time will come when you’ll run out of space. If this is happening now, maybe consider a home expansion? Let us know how we can help!
III. The Electricity Bill has Doubled because of All the Christmas Lights Inside and Outside the Home
Christmas lights play a huge part in ensuring a festive atmosphere this December. While you won’t admit it, you’d want to be the most festive house in your neighborhood this season!
IV. The Fridge is Filled to the Brim with Christmas Hams and Fruitcakes
There are the Christmas hams and fruitcakes given by your company at your Christmas party. There are a dozen more given as gifts. Of course, there are more that you plan on giving out!
Do you know someone who actually enjoys fruitcakes? Tag them!
V. The Weighing Scale is Hidden
No point in seeing a reminder that we’re getting fatter this Christmas season. Attend all the Christmas parties! Eat all the hams! Regret nothing!
VI. Jose Mari Chan’s Christmas in Our Hearts or Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas is Playing in the Background
This has been a Christmas tradition for a long time now! The only difference is they’re now playing over Bluetooth speakers! Technologies change, but traditions remain the same!
VII. There are Smiles All Around
Whether you’ve had a good or bad year, you’ll see smiles all around a Filipino home during this season. It’s our most favorite holiday and we Filipinos know how to celebrate it – with a smile with the people we love.
Make sure to check out our projects to see some Filipino homes! Share this post to spread the smile!
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