
May 18, 2020

Taking the COVID-19 Stress and Anxiety Out of Your Home

It has already been two months since community quarantine was implemented. People have to deal with staying at home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In those months, many people have lived in stress and anxiety brought by this pandemic situation while at home. 

With the sudden transition to a quarantined lifestyle, people lived by extending their sleeping hours, gathering the family in the living room to watch the news about COVID-19 on TV, and doing other indoor activities that will help get away from their negative emotions.

Staying at home but living with stress and anxiety can add other baggage to you. Perhaps in this New Normal, as you may have been stressing out almost every day, why don’t you try something ‘new’ at your home? Changing or rearranging some stuff in your space might also help ease up your usual emotions about this situation.

According to Carl Jung, a Swiss Psychoanalyst, there are certain images that can be embedded in a person’s collective memories formed through the ages or generations. One example of it are colors – like how blue signifies calmness and tranquility or how red signifies rage. Another one is getting used to living in a dark space which would also affect one’s circadian rhythms (or sleep-wake cycle).

Did you know that décor affects your emotions at home? Certain designs and colors may evoke memories or emotions, whether good or bad. That is why as you enter the New Normal, you might as well turn your home into a ‘healing space’ which may help you cope better in this situation.

Here are some tips from the team to create a space in your home where it can attract happier and more comfortable emotions.

Declutter your home.

Some spaces that are crowded and messy can increase your stress levels.

Display your happiness.

small condo interior design philippines

Bring out the things that bring you joy every time you see them. May it be your family pictures, antique collection, favorite flower vase, or some personal mementos.

Add some colors.

condo interior design philippines

You may either want to paint your room’s wall with a new color (if you have any stock of paint) or change your bedsheet with a brighter one to make your space’s atmosphere livelier.

Grow some green.

Having some fresh plants indoors can boost your mood, productivity, and creativity and reduce stress levels and fatigue.

Rearrange your furniture.

modern bungalow house designs in the philippines

By simply moving your couch or table, you will see your room as new and bigger than the usual. How refreshing!

Enjoy in softness.

Gift yourself a cushion adorned with super soft pillows and cozy blanket after a long day of doing much work or chores. This kind of living room set-up invites a more peaceful and calmer space to relax.

Maximize light in your space.

Having a fine light shining on you can make you more energized and fill you with more warmth. Let the sunlight shine through by fixing that curtain! A lighter room can also help you have a better and more stable mental health.

We hope that these ideas would be helpful for you to improve your mental health at home on a daily basis. Remember to always prioritize your health and safety. Stay at home!

We’ve been talking to several potential clients and it seems that in this New Normal, having a home that can help combat stress and anxiety is a must. We can help you. Let’s talk!

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