Fire Prevention Month: Have a Safe Home by Following these Tips

March is Fire Prevention Month in the Philippines. Historically, a lot of fires happen during this month so the government makes it a priority to educate Filipinos on fire prevention during this month.
No one wants to be a statistic. We have a saying in the Philippines – “Mabuti na ang manakawan kesa masunugan.” It’s really hard to recover from a fire from financial, emotional and even physical standpoints.
We want to help the government in fire prevention education. This is why we’ve put together these tips to have a home that’s safe from fire.
Fire Prevention Tips
Follow these tips to lessen the chances of your home catching on fire:
- Install smoke alarms.
A small fire will become a big fire in seconds. Even a small kitchen fire can consume a whole house. This can be prevented if you have smoke alarms installed. You can quickly douse the flame before it wreaks havoc.
- Educate your kids.
Sadly, a lot of fires were started by kids because they didn’t know any better. They see adults lighting candles and they imitate them. Educate your kids that they’re not supposed to play with fires.
Show this video below to your kids.
- Always check your electrical system.
It has to be installed by a competent contractor in the first place. It’s also good practice to have it checked regularly.
Also, avoid octopus connections when using sockets and extension cords.
- Be careful when using candles.
It’s common sense to not place them in areas where they can start a fire like near curtains. It’s also a good idea to place them inside a bowl with a bit of water just in case they topple over. Of course, don’t sleep with the candles on.
- Don’t smoke in the bed.
This is especially true when you’re drunk and/or sleepy.
- Be mindful when cooking.
Always turn off the LPG when not in use. Stay focused when cooking so that you don’t forget. Use a timer if you must.
It’s also a good idea to store flammables away from the kitchen.
- Check your home.
A good contractor would have built a fire-resistant home. While using fire-resistant materials cannot guarantee a fireproof home, they will surely help.
Also, having a contractor check your home regularly will help you spot damages that can lead to fires. For example, holes in the roofing can lead to leaking which can spark a fire in the electrical system.
- Have a clear fire escape plan in place.
Have a fire escape plan and train everyone to follow it in case of a fire. Hopefully, your home was built NOT to be a fire trap. Have it checked by a competent contractor just in case.
Talk to Us for a Home that’s Safer from Fire

We value our clients’ safety greatly. This is why we consider fire-resistance when coming up with designs. We take this into consideration in the planning and choosing of materials. We can even install a safe gas supply system for you.
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February 2, 2020 at 8:09 am[…] Candles can provide a bit of warmth especially inside the bedroom. Scented candles add the benefit of comforting scent. Just make sure not to leave them unattended! […]